Tales of Tappi The Viking - EGoFILM
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Tales of Tappi The Viking

Tv Series


In the wonderful, magical Whispering Forest, which stretches along the banks of the Ice Gulf lives Viking Tappi. He is not a true Viking, because neither his head brandishing a sword. His greatest weapon is a smile, kindness and ingenuity.

CATEGORY: animated series
DIRECTOR: Andrzej Piotr Morawski, Tessa Moult-Milewska, Łukasz Kacprowicz Marian Cholerek, Marcin Graj, Ewa Borysewicz, Maciej Kur, Marcin Podolec, Kacper Zamarło, Jacek Rokosz
ART DIRECTOR: Jacek Rokosz
SCRIPTWRITER: Marcin Mortka, Marcin Graj
ILLUSTRATION: Marta Sieczak, Marta Kurczewska, Agnieszka Czachór
PROJECT STATUS: in production
FORMAT: 13 episodes x 11 minutes
PRODUCTION: EGoFILM Ewelina Gordziejuk
CO-PRODUCTION: Paris + Hendzel Co.
CO-FINANCED BY: Polish Film Institute